As the old saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. Considering that you will get zero words from the Lee County Commission and their bootlicking accomplices in the local media about the granite quarry that has been constructed in Opelika under a cover of darkness, the Examiner is obliged to provide its dear readership with smoking gun evidence of the government malfeasance that has transpired without due scrutiny. Previous Examiner articles have highlighted the duplicity of Chairman Bill English and Commissioner Gary Long in misleading the public with their administrative theatrics while covertly ushering along the quarry's development as the deaf, dumb and blind local presstitues tasked with providing journalistic oversight conveniently buried their collective heads in the sand. Well, the truth can only be obscured for so long because there just so happens to be a plethora of evidence mounting courtesy of the internet and the marvels of aerial photography.
Here is a screenshot from the webpage that can be viewed at;

Now the Opelika quarry has its own webpage, isn't that special? Here is a screenshot from good ol' Myles linkedin profile;

Finally, we can put a face to a name! Is the picture getting any clearer? Maybe this satellite image taken in March of 2019 showing what the landscape looked like before the quarry will help;

Here is what that same plot of land looks like in 2024;

Quite a difference what just a few years makes under the watchful eye of the Lee County Commission! Wondering what kind of properties are located in the Sentinel Hills community which the quarry was built right next to? Take a look;

Golly gee whiz, that sure looks like the kind of suburban neighborhood where families with young children would live. They don't have anything to be concerned about with a quarry blasting monstrous slabs of granite to tiny bits right next door to them, do they? According to an article on the official website for air filtration company AirBench, Ltd., Lee County residents breathing in granite dust from the neighboring quarry may have some serious cause for alarm;

Certainly, such weighty concerns would give pause for any reasonable party. Recently, a concerned citizen of Lee County who happens to be a pilot took some aerial photos of the quarry from the sky during a flyover and shared them;

As you can see, with each picture being worth a thousand words, this all adds up to a lot of words! Words of truth that you can't trust the Lee County Commission or the local media outlets to provide. Lucky for you, dear reader, the Examiner makes sure that your cup runneth over with the sweet nectar of truth. Salud!