The Lee County Commission (LCC) have harvested much wealth from property owners, residents and travelers of Lee County. With the forced government shutdowns due to the "Covid-19 response", the LCC and their ACCA (Alabama County Commission Association) handlers have made strides to extract as much wealth from the Cares (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) Act and the ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) Funds as possible for their (LCC & ACCA) own avarice.
Lee County is in transition from a ‘Voluntary Market’ to a ‘Command/Control’ economy for county waste disposal.
Private Vendors, such as local vendor Willie Philpot/ViroTek Services, supplied a valuable service and need [trash disposal] to Lee County residents for years. ViroTek Services (Willie Philpot) was just one of the local vendors harmed by the LCC's decision to not discipline wrongful dumping in the Lee County green bins. The LCC refused to provide the Lee County Sheriff (Jay Jones) with the necessary funds/equipment to stop/discipline the estimated 30-40% ‘wrongful dumping’ in the green bins of Lee County.
On June 21, 2021, local private vendors witnessed their corrupt LCC award ARROW Disposal Services a MONOPOLY contract (while still in the process of negotiating price/cost and terms with Arrow...). Effectively destroying private business’s [such as ViroTek] ability to function and prosper in Lee County. This Command/Control style ‘market’ is set upon Lee County property owners, residents and travelers. It is meant to extract (tax/restrict) and transfer (ACCA contracts etc.) wealth from Lee County.
The May 24, 2022 primary race (for the County Commission) was relatively good for Lee County. District 5 Lee County Commissioner Richard S. LaGrand Sr. was voted out of office by former Commissioner John Andrew Harris.
We are hopeful he (John Andrew Harris) will take the time to undo some of the harm done to Lee County by the LCC over the years [Censoring Public Comments, awarding monopoly contracts to ACCA contractors to ‘compete’ with local trusted private vendors, restricting private property rights with a ‘planning/zoning’ commission (thought to have been created in Beat 13 to STOP a Quarry (Creekwood Resources) but was soon determined to be unable/unwilling to do so) etc.].
District 4 Lee County Commissioner Robert Ham [who many in Lee County refer to as ‘the most corrupt LCC’] was repudiated in the June 21, 2022 primary run-off against Tony Langley. The District 4 residents of Lee County showed their disapproval of Robert Ham as well as his ‘business interests’ & ‘conflict of interests’.
‘Interests’ such as this…
There are more LCC incumbents (District 1 Doug Cannon, District 2 Ross Morris and District 3 Gary D. Long) to remove, either with a vote at the ballot box or with a conviction from the jury box. Become more involved in your local government operations.
The more you know,